
Learn Online Quran Tajweed

Learn Online Quran Tajweed, Tajweed is a language that makes something good, and the quality of reading: that is, it brings it free from poor pronunciation, and idiomatically: it is to take each letter out of its output while giving it its right and due.

What is meant by the right of the letter is what it has of the self-fixed qualities of it, such as intensity and superiority, and what is meant by the deserving of the letter: that which arises from the necessary self-attributes of the letter, such as the takfuhm, as it results from two attributes: superiority and repetition.

Learn Online Quran Tajweed

The scholars were of the view that the ruling on learning the intonation is a communal obligation. That is, if it is done by someone who is sufficient, sin will be waived for the rest, as for the act of intonation.

meaning reading the Quran while observing the provisions of intonation – it is an individual obligation, and Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy on HIM, says: There is no doubt that the nation of Islam is devoted to understanding the meanings of the Quran and establishing its boundaries.

The ummah is also devoted to correcting the letters of the Quran and establishing them according to the adjective transmitted from the imams of reading connected to the Prophet, may Allah prayers and peace be upon him, in fluent Arabic, which is not permissible to contradict, nor to change it to others.

Read more: How To Learn Quran Online

Learn the intonation of the Holy Quran

Learning to recite the Noble Quran is based on two aspects, which are as follows:

The theoretical side:

The theoretical aspect includes all the rules that were developed in books to learn rulings on Tajweed. Such as the types of Mudd and their times, and the rulings of the letters in terms of showing, dithering, overturning concealment, and other rulings that are taught in the books of Tajweed.

The practical side:

It is called the practical aspect, and this aspect is not controlled by the learner, and he is only able to master it by receiving and speaking to a reciter or a sheikh known for his mastery of the intonation of the Holy Quran. Such as the provisions of the rum, and the imam, and the song, and facilitation, and oral concealment.

Types of Tajweed provisions

The rulings on Tajweed are divided into several types, and this is explained as follows:

Learn Online Quran Tajweed
Learn Online Quran Tajweed

1- Rulings on seeking refuge and basmalah:

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, and its saying is a favorable Sunnah when starting to recite the Noble Quran. It is the saying “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,” and Imam Hafs stated that it is obligatory to recite it at the beginning of every surah except Surat At-Tawbah.

2- The static provisions of the meme:

The static provisions of the meme are divided into three sections, which are as follows:

Oral slurring:

And it is called symmetrical dysfunction, which is that the static meme comes in a word, then a moving meme comes after it in another word, so the memes are stung until they become one meme, accentuated with singing when pronouncing them.

Verbal concealment:

And his image is that the static meme comes in a word, then comes after the letter Ba in another word, so that the meme is hidden when pronouncing them, with the lips closed without a break when pronouncing them.

Oral presentation:

It is the display of the meme when pronouncing it if any letter of the spelling occurs after it, except for the meme and the ba, and the appearance of the meme is more severe if it is followed by the letter Waw or Fa.

3- Rulings of Noon and Tanween:

The rulings of al-nun and al-nunu are divided into four rulings, which are as follows:

Slurring: slurring as language:

It is the introduction of a thing into a thing, as for a convention: it is the confluence of two letters, the first of which is consonant.

Second is a vowel, so that they become one letter stressed as the second, with the height of the tongue when pronouncing it one height, and the letters dithering are six, which are: Ya, Ra, Mim, Lam, and Waw And noun.


Iqlab in linguistic form is to divert a thing from its face, as for idiomatically: it is the conversion of the consonant nun or the tanween in memory with a song when pronouncing it if it comes after the letter Iqlab, and the coupling has one letter. It is Ba.


Dashhur is the language of the statement, as for the idiom: it is the pronunciation of the letter from its output without a lyric, and the six letters of the Tashur are: the hamza, the ha, the eye, the ha, the gin, and the Kha.


Concealment in the language of concealment, as for the idiom: it is the pronunciation of the letter statically without accentuation, and it is on a characteristic between showing and doubling, with the Ghina remaining in the static nun and the tan by two movements, and the letters of concealment are fifteen, which are: al-saad, al-Zhal, al-thaa, Jim, shin, and Qaf , Sein, Kef, Dhad, Dha, Zai, Ta, Dal, Tata, and Fa.

4- The strict provisions of Meem and Noon:

Ghnah is obligatory when pronouncing the accentuated meme and nun in all their states, and the singing is of two movements.

5- The rulings of the Mudd:

the linguistic stretch: it is the stretch and the increase, as for the idiom: it is the lengthening of the voice when pronouncing one of the three vowels, and the letters of the tide are: the open consonant alif before it, and the consonant waw which comes before it, and the broken consonant yaa before it.