
Learn Ten Qirat Online

Learn Ten Qirat Online

Now that the various types of qira’aat have been discussed in detail, it is time to look at the ten authentic qira’aat, and the Qaarees whom they are named alter.

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The first seven are the ones that Aboo Bakr ibn Mujaahid (d. 324 A.H.) preserved in his book, and which ash-Shaatibee (d. 548 A.H.) versified in his famous poem known as ash -Shaatjbiyyah


Ten Qiraat online with Tellawa Online

Learn ten Qirat online with best teachers online from Egypt. Tellawa Online facilitate interested students with this opportunity. Lets have a short introduction ot these ten Qirat. In Quran, Qira’at, literally means the readings, and terminologically means the method of recitation of the Holy Quran. Traditionally, there are 10 recognized schools of Qira’at, and each one derives its name from the famous reader of the Holy Quran recitation.

The Benefits of the Qira’aat:

Since the qiraat arc based on the almtf, many ol the benefits of the qira’aat overlap with those of the almtf. Some of the benefits are as follows.
1) The facilitation ol the memorisation ot the Qur’aan. This includes not only differences in pronunciations that the different Arab tribes were used to. but also the differences in words and letters.

2) Proof that the Qur’aan is a revelation trom Allaah. for notwithstanding the thousands ol dillerences between the qira’aat. not a single dillcrcncc is contradictor)’.

3) Proof that the Qur’aan has been preserved exactly, as all of these qira’aat have been recited with a direct, authentic, mutaivaatir chain of narrators back to theProphet ($g).

4) A further indication of the miraculous nature Cijaaz) of the Qur’aan. because these qira aat add to the meaning and beauty ol the Qur aan in a complementary manner, as shall be shown in the next section.


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Mohamed Ahmed Student

Teachers are experienced in handling tools and software which makes the class run smoothly and effectively. Hats off to the teachers!

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Basel Abdo student

Alhamdulillah we are pleased to continue the Quran lessons for my daughter with our Qutor Tutor. Please let me know how to renew my bronze package.

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kamal ameen student

" Really loving the quick support that you are providing on Qutor. May Allah (SWT) reward you and your team with lots of khair and barakah."



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